Animated Tales from Russia

Age group: 6 – 9 years


Curated by Nadezhda Svirskaia

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01. Green teeth / Зелёные зубы (Zelonyye zuby) / Zeleni zobje
Svetlana Andrianova (Pchela studio)
2011, RUS, 5' 

A new director comes to the school and everything changes.


02. Chess / Шахматы (Shakhmaty) / Šah
Alexey Pochivalov (Soyuzmultfilm studio)
2019, RUS, 6'

Nepričakovana partija šaha…


03. Linden Tar / Смолы лип (Smoly lip) / Lipova smola
Olga Grechanova
2016, RUS, 5' 

This is a story about overcoming your fears and realizing you don't have to do everything by yourself.


04. Chinti / Чинти
Natalia Mirzoyan (Peterburg studio)
2012, RUS, 8'16''

When a tiny ant finds a picture of the Taj Mahal, she immediately falls in love with the magnificent building and decides to build her own Taj Mahal.


05. Kuygorozh / Куйгорож
Sergey Merinov (Pilot studio)
2007, RUS, 13'

The old man and the old woman have begun a new life, but the pleasure of greedy idlers was short...



06. Whiteland / Белоснежье (Belosnezh'ye) / Snežna belina
Ira Elshansky (Soyuzmultfilm studio)
2018, RUS, 6' 

A grey plasticine man finds himself in a glowing white room. He leaves traces, but tries to keep the room in its original purity, until the boundaries of its space change.

Kaja Fiedler