Festival Opening/ Otvoritev festivala, 28/10/2016, 8 p.m., Salon uporabnih umetnosti

What’s a better thing to do on International Animation Day than attending opening of an animated film festival?! Don’t miss the moment when we’ll state that the 6th StopTrik IFF is officially rolling! Only good vibes and loads of inspirations thanks to the politically engaged films from Czechoslovakia and Mexico, “Proglas” exhibition and music of Nina Bulatovix and Haiku Garden!

Kako bolje preživeti Mednarodni dan animacije kot na otvoritvi festivala animiranega filma?! Ne zamudite uradnega začetka 6. StopTrika MFF! Čakjo vas dobre vibracije in veliko navdiha, zahvaljujoč politično angažiranim filmom iz Češkoslovaške in Mehike, razstava @Proglas in glasba @Nine Bulatovix in @Haiku Garden!


SLO, ENGOlga BobrowskaSalon2016