Pearl Diver / Potapljanje za biseri

Margrethe Danielsen (Volda University College)
2020, NOR, 8'45''


Three couples are drifting apart. A hedgehog falls in love with a balloon, but struggles to keep up his grooming routine. The ice breaks between an Arctic/Antarctic couple and two naive oysters are longing to meet.

Trije pari se oddaljujejo. Jež se zaljubi v balon, a mu skrb za osebno nego dela preglavice. Med parom z Arktike in Antarktike se lomi led, dve naivni ostrigi pa hrepenita po snidenju.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation
No dialogue

Animation: Margrethe Danielsen, Claudia Munksgaard-Palmqvist, Ragnar Neljandi, Endre Eidsaa Larsen, Lea Hümbs, Helga Fjeldsaa, Gaute Hareide, Haavard Strand, Lea Romero
Production: Volda University College
Distribution: Fritt ord

Margrethe Danielsen

Margrethe has a BA in animation, a BA as a preschool teacher and is doing a master in media practises. Pearl diver was made during her master studies, and she is currently directing an animated short in JPL, France.

Kaja Fiedler