Footbath / Pediluve / Kopel za noge

Cléane Ambry, Léa Pulini (EMCA)
2021, FRA, 3'39''


Restoring the pool they used to go to, two children seem to be running away from a reality that will soon catch up with them.

Med obnovo bazena, ki sta ga otroka včasih obiskovala, navidezno bežita pred resničnostjo, ki ju bo kmalu dohitela.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Puppet animation
Language: French

Animation: Cléane Ambry, Léa Pulini
Production and Distribution: EMCA

Cléane Ambry 


Born the 29th of September in 1998. Since she was a child she has a certain sensitivity to everything that’s connected to Art. Since then she practices plastics arts, decorative arts and performing arts. After a preparatory art year she enters at EMCA school in Angouleme. During a special course of 2months, supervised by professionals, she co-directs with Léa Pulini the shortfilm: Pédiluve (Footbath) Born the 26th of January 2000, 

Léa Pulini 


A student at the EMCA's school of Angouleme. She always had a sensibility for various artistic expressions as dance, theatre, music and also writing. After highschool, she oriented herself towards the animation industry. At the end of a year in the preparation class of the Atelier de Sevres, she succeeds the entrance examination at the EMCA. During her third year, she follows a special formation in stop motion where she realised in pairs a shortfilm untitled Pédiluve (Footbath).

Kaja Fiedler