Detektive Thumb and the Infinity House / Detektiv Thumb in Hiša neskončnosti

Preston King (Savannah College of Art and Design)
2020, USA, 5'53''


A detective is eaten alive by a house. Detektive Thumb is a combination of film movements the crew loves. The hard-boiled chain-smoking detective is rooted in film noir. The colour palette and shot design is inspired by the French Cinema-Du-Look and Eastern European aesthetics.

Detektiva živega poje hiša. Detektiv Thumb je kombinacija filmskih gibanj, ki so ekipi filma pri srcu. Prekanjeni verižni kadilec, čigar korenine segajo v film noir, barvno paleto in oblikovanje posnetkov pa navdihujeta francoski stil Cinema du Look ter vzhodnoevropska estetika.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Puppet animation, Pixilation
No dialogue

Music: Zubin Isaac
Animation: Katie Lathrop, Meghan Proctor, Preston King, Leonardo Guerrero
Set/Character Fabrication: Juan Poveda
Production: Savannah College of Art and Design
Distribution: Preston King

Preston King

PrestonKing DirectorHeadShot.jpg

Preston King is a director from Amarillo, Texas. He started making short films in response to whatever he was watching at the time. The hands on nature of stop motion is especially exciting and fun to work in. It allows you to so much in a small space. In the future he hopes to finish more personal projects while also tackling professional projects.

Kaja Fiedler