Catcalls / Ulično bevskanje

Laura Stewart, Anna Berezowsky
2020, CAN, 2'2''


Exploring street harassment using cats, dogs, and real sentences that humans said to other humans. Adapted from the Instagram account @catcallsofnyc.

Film je svojevrstna adaptacija Instagramovega računa @catcallsofnyc in raziskovanje uličnega nadlegovanja. Igralsko zasedbo sestavljajo mačke in psi, v filmu pa uporabljajo resnične stavke, ki jih ljudje kričijo za drugimi.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Puppet animation
Language: English

Music: Fahad Ahmed
Animation: Laura Stewart, Anna Berezowsky

Laura Stewart

A stop motion animator living in Montreal, Quebec. She is a lover of all things small and likes to tell stories that break your heart a little bit. Montreal-based artist.

Anna Berezowsky

She strives to animate the inanimate in handcrafted worlds. Her work in production design and stop motion animation enables her to tell relatable stories in unexpected ways.

Natalija Bračko